Hebrews to Revelation Student Pack

Summer - Year 2
SKU: SS5242


One student, 13 lessons, everything you need! Includes in-class InQuire Bible studies to engage hearts in interactive discovery and get kids into the Bible for themselves. Also includes 13 at-home G2R papers with creative activities to reinforce truths during the week and hole-punched Devo for personal devotions (can be made into a booklet).

About This Quarter

In the final G2R Bible Survey study, we wrap up our journey through the Bible. James, Peter, John, Jude, and an unknown author wrote the eight General Letters of the New Testament to the early Church, explaining essential doctrines of the faith and urging these new believers to stand strong against false teaching while growing in holiness. Then in Revelation, a book of prophecy, the apostle John wrote the message given to him by Christ himself. The apocalyptic book describes the ultimate victory by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

 Click here to see the G2R Master Plan.