God's Growing Church Teacher Kit

Spring - Year 2
SKU: SS4231


GOD'S GROWING CHURCH - The spread of God's earthly kingdom; a study of Acts. Teacher's Kit includes a user-friendly Teacher's Manual with 13 complete lessons, 100+ pages of detailed lesson plans, a weekly teacher devotional, and colorful teaching aids on high-quality paper. Includes 1 Student Pack with weekly In Class worksheets to engage kids with the Bible for themselves, also 13 At Home papers with Daily Soul Food for personal devotions.

About This Quarter

The Spring 2 quarter, introduces students to a hands-on study of the book of Acts. Students will look trace God’s plan to build his kingdom through his people, the coming of the promised Spirit and what it meant for God’s witnesses to depend on him to take the gospel to Jews and Gentiles. Students will find out what God provides to prepare us to share the gospel with others: corporate and individual prayer, hearing the preaching of God’s Word, and studying God’s Word. They will learn how God sent Paul to Rome to spread the gospel and help God’s church grow.

Download the Middle Elementary Master Plan PDF