God's Grace in the Law Student Pack

Fall - Year 2
SKU: SS4212


One student, one quarter, everything you need! Includes weekly (13) In Class worksheets to engage hearts in interactive discovery and get kids into the Bible for themselves. Also includes 13 At Home papers with creative activities to reinforce truths during the week and Daily Soul Food section for personal devotions.

About This Quarter

In this quarter, students will study the Ten Commandments in depth, using a topical approach. Our aim is to show covenant children, to whom God has made promises of salvation, how God wants them to live. Toward the end of the quarter, we will turn to the second use of the law to show those who lack faith that they need Christ for salvation. The last lesson reminds those who have faith that they must rely upon the work of Christ, not their own works, for their acceptance with God.

Download the Middle Elementary Master Plan PDF