SW: A Study of Romans Student Pack

SKU: SW9122


Does the gospel matter? Why is the world so messed up? Just as if I never sinned … really? Why do I struggle with sin?

Identity, the future, failure, friends, drugs, sexuality, rebellion, stress, violence—our teens need help coping with the decisions and pressures facing them. Does studying the book of Romans meet their needs? Absolutely! It addresses their deepest need—God’s grace in their lives through faith in Christ. Paul explains the profoundly wonderful implications and applications of the gospel in Romans. Although this study isn’t exhaustive—how could it be in 13 sessions?—your teens will read every chapter, discussing what they’ve read. Sample lesson and more info at www.sowhatstudies.org.

Includes 1 Student Pack: Examine Student Bible Study Book (13 sessions, 60 pages) and Student Devotional Journal (34 pages).

About This Quarter

In this quarter, teens will explore the great doctrines of God’s grace and how they provide the foundation and motivation for Christian living. The study covers concepts like sanctification, justification and God's soverginty, so beautifully articulated by Paul in this letter to the church in Rome.

Click here to see the So What? Master Plan.