Worshiping God Teacher Kit

Fall - Year 1
SKU: SS4111


WORSHIPING GOD - The joys and duties of worship: Who and why we worship, the Lord's Prayer, and elements of worship. Teacher's Kit includes a user-friendly Teacher's Manual with 13 complete lessons, 100+ pages of detailed lesson plans, a weekly teacher devotional, colorful teaching aids on high-quality paper. Includes 1 Student Pack with weekly In Class worksheets to engage kids with the Bible for themselves, Worship Songbook and Bulletin, as well as 13 At Home papers with Daily Soul Food for personal devotions. Click for Middle Elementary Year 1 CD, Songbook, and list of songs. (Songbook not included in Teacher Kit)

"We absolutely LOVE this curriculum! My husband and I got so tired of generic Sunday school curriculum that seemed to be a waste of time. Then we found Show Me Jesus. We have found it a privilege to use it and the kids have learned so much! —Tina, Missouri

About This Quarter

In the Fall 1 quarter students learn to “feed” on God’s Word. The first unit focuses on what worship is and why we worship. In the second unit students begin to learn how we worship, namely through prayer. The third unit highlights the remaining elements of corporate worship.

Download the Middle Elementary Master Plan PDF