Exodus to Ruth Teacher Kit

Winter - Year 1
SKU: SS5121

EXODUS TO RUTH - The redemptive acts of God in dealing with his covenant people. Second of 8 studies of an exciting journey through every book of the Bible! ESV, flexible for 5th-7th grade. Includes:
  • User-friendly Teacher's Manual with 13 complete lessons, 100+ pages of detailed lesson plans, and weekly teacher devotional
  • Colorful teaching aids on high-quality paper
  • 1 student packet includes in-class InQuire Bible studies, at-home G2R activity papers, and at-home Devo devotionals
  • Digital extras: Parent letter, Master Plan PDF, weekly lesson overview PDF
About This Quarter

This quarter covers 7 books of the Bible, starting with the exodus from Egypt and ending up in the Promised Land. When they study how the Israelites disobeyed God during the time of the judges, they will observe that God judged them yet continued to save a people for himself for his glory. And how God was clearly working through Ruth and her family as part of his promise to send the Savior.  

Click here to see the G2R Master Plan.