Obeying God Teacher Kit

Fall - Year 2
SKU: SS3211


OBEYING GOD - Stories about the prophets and kings. Teacher's Kit includes a user-friendly Teacher's Manual with 13 complete lessons, 100+ pages of detailed lesson plans, a weekly teacher devotional, and colorful teaching aids on high-quality paper. Includes 1 Student Pack with creative in-class activities to engage hearts and hands, and weekly (13) take-home papers that form an essential home connection: review of Bible story and family devotions. Click for Younger Elementary Year 2 CD or Mp3 files, Songbook, and list of songs.

About This Quarter

In this 13-week quarter, we explore the lives of prophets and kings from the Old Testament and learn what it means to obey God. We will look at King Saul and his willfulness, King David and his heartfelt repentance for his sin, the courageous obedience of the prophets Elijah and Daniel, the reluctant submission of Jonah, and the stories of several others. Above all, we will be teaching the children that obedience is not only a command from God, but also our loving response to the Good Shepherd who gave his life for the sheep.

Download the Younger Elementary Master Plan PDF