Knowing Jesus Teacher Kit

Winter - Year 2
SKU: SS3221


KNOWING JESUS - Stories from the Gospels. Teacher's Kit includes a user-friendly Teacher's Manual with 13 complete lessons, 100+ pages of detailed lesson plans, a weekly teacher devotional, and colorful teaching aids on high-quality paper. Includes 1 Student Pack with creative in-class activities to engage hearts and hands, and weekly (13) take-home papers that form an essential home connection: review of Bible story and family devotions.

About This Quarter

Throughout this quarter children will study the life of Jesus. In the first unit, children learn that God kept his promise to his people when he sent John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord. They discover that Mary was chosen to be the mother of the Savior, and the children praise God for the birth of Jesus, the promised savior. In the second unit, children learn Jesus grew up and God was with him in a special way and in the third unit, children are encouraged to respond to the love of Jesus by believing in the power of God’s Son.

Download the Younger Elementary Master Plan PDF