Growing in God Teacher Kit

Summer - Year 1
SKU: SS3141


The stories of the Israelites are more than the dramatic scenes of baby Moses in the reeds, the 10 plagues, the Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the wandering in the wilderness. God used these events to show us WHO he is, that he has a PLAN, and what it means to TRUST him. (Old Testament: Exodus–Judges)

Teacher's Kit includes a user-friendly Teacher's Manual with 13 complete lessons, 100+ pages of detailed lesson plans, a weekly teacher devotional, and colorful teaching aids on high-quality paper. Includes 1 Student Pack with creative in-class activities to engage hearts and hands, and weekly (13) activity papers that form an essential home connection: review of Bible story and family devotions.

About This Quarter

In the first unit, children are taught that God is loving, merciful, and powerful. In the second unit, children find out that the people of Israel struggled to trust and obey their faithful Lord as they traveled through the desert to the Promised Land. In the final unit, the Bible stories focus on the end of the wilderness journey, the crossing of the Jordan River, and the entry into the Promised Land.

Download the Younger Elementary Master Plan PDF