SW: A Study of John 11-21 Leader Kit

Spring - Year 2
SKU: SW9321


What was on Jesus’ heart before he went to the Cross? Why is it essential to abide in Christ? How is Jesus the Resurrection and the Life?

John wrote his book with a purpose, that its readers would believe in Jesus as the promised Messiah, their Lord and Savior. Jesus is the answer to your teens’ spiritual thirst and hunger.

In John 11–21, they will explore Jesus’ miraculous raising of Lazarus, the Upper Room discourses, and the arrest, trials, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We recommend using this study after A Study of John 1–10. Sample lesson and more info at www.sowhatstudies.org.

Includes Leader Guide (92 pages with teaching outline, discussion questions, and study notes), Examine Student Bible Study book (13 study sessions, 64 pgs), Student Devotional Journal (32 pgs), ESV Gospel of John booklet, and bonus digital download of PowerPoint for all 13 sessions and Digital Devotional.

About This Quarter

This study covers the second half of John's Gospel. Teens will follow Jesus and his discples in the time leading up to his crucifixion and learn how he rose again and defeated death for all who believe.

Click here to see the So What? Master Plan.