Do you understand your role in the overall scope of discipleship? Do you know how the seven departments of GCP’s curriculum fit together in our Scope & Sequence? Comparing our plan to a string of beads is a helpful way to see the big picture. Click here to download a PDF. Feel free to share!

Toddler and Preschool

First you must have beads. In Toddler and Preschool curriculum, we begin to teach the vocabulary of faith by presenting the Bible stories — the beads. Even children this young are able to put their trust in Christ and understand basic Bible truths.

Younger Elementary

In Younger Elementary, young children are taught more Bible people and events. As they transition from non-readers to readers, they begin to grasp biblical truths and gain some familiarity with how they relate to one another. Chronology is considered in this department, but it is periodically ignored; children at this age cannot handle it developmentally. They continue to add beads to their repertoire, learning the different kinds of beads and how they relate to each other. This is essential before putting the beads in order.

Middle Elementary

Middle Elementary students are developing skills of conceptual thinking and can discover truths from Scripture through comparing, contrasting, and analyzing. Because of this, Middle Elementary integrates Bible stories around unifying themes such as worship, grace, missions, witnessing, trusting God, and servants of God. Daily Soul Food in the take-home paper encourages personal devotions. The second year of Middle Elementary begins to acquaint students with chronological sequencing. In our bead analogy, this department begins to group the individual beads together thematically.

G2R Bible Survey

G2R Bible Survey Preteens and teens are able to understand chronology and Bible history. In G2R (Genesis to Revelation) Bible Survey, they begin to discover how the stories and people they’ve studied at younger ages fit together in God’s redemptive plan. They take an exciting journey through every book of the Bible — focusing on the who, what, where, and when—and developing an understanding of how God has revealed himself in his Word. They see that Jesus Christ is central from Genesis to Revelation.

G2R Bible Survey puts the beads in order. The holes must line up, and the beads must be in proper relationship to one another. And as students connect the dots of redemption, they are encouraged to spend time with the Author of Scripture in personal devotions.

G2R God’s Promises

The G2R God’s Promises series is the capstone of all GCP curriculum—studying God’s Word through the lens of the covenant. In G2R (Genesis to Revelation) God’s Promises, teens discover amazing aha moments in God’s covenant of grace. Why did God make promises to his people, and how did he accomplish his plan of redemption? Students trace the scarlet thread of the promised Messiah from the earliest covenant to fulfillment through Christ in the New Testament.

The two departments of G2R Genesis to Revelation are sequential; G2R God’s Promises builds on the historical, chronological foundation of G2R Bible Survey. Both are essential.

The doctrine of the covenant is central to understanding who God is and his mighty acts. Covenant is defined in terms of relationship: He is our God, and we are his people. This is the thread that holds everything together. Just as beads will not hold together without a string, neither will our understanding of the Bible without a grasp of the covenant.

So What? Youth Bible Studies

What good is a string of beads if it is never worn? So What? Youth Bible studies address this question—So what difference does faith in Christ make? Once the beads are examined, put in order, and strung together, they should be worn.

So What? studies equip teens to relate faith to life and life to faith. Christians are God’s creation, called to use their gifts and skills in service to God. These Bible studies are designed to help students become mature Christians and commit to a biblical worldview by

  • trusting and obeying the triune God,
  • being the people God created them to be, and
  • serving others

 A string of beads is valuable when all the beads are in place and worn. The study of God’s Word enables us to grow in living out our faith. The goal of Great Commission Publications’ curriculum is to raise up mature covenant disciples who are committed to glorifying God and enjoying him forever.